Friday, September 25, 2020

Blogging Platform Review: Blogger (UPDATED 2020)

 Blogger has been around now for over 20 years, thanks in part to its Google overlord. 

With Blogger, you have a limited amount of themes to choose from that Google has created. While you can tweak these, you can't import your own. Wordpress has a huge advantage here, as Wordpress allows for importing all sorts of themes and components.
Design Tools: B+

You don’t need a read me for Blogger. You can create a blog, and start writing right away without needing to go through the ‘Help’ website. Everything is clear cut so that novice and experienced computer users can use it without any problems. Simply put, it is intuitive. With a modern design for 2020, this means a mom from Utah or a dad from Alabama can pick it right up and start their own blog. Right on the side you can easily view and access information about your blog that may matter to you, such as hits (stats), earnings if you use Adsense, and the ability to change your layout or theme!

East of Use: A+

This is a big improvement from the past. Adsense is built-in to Blogger now so you can easily access and view settings for that. With that said, you would think that there would be easy access to Google’s vast amount of tools for webmasters. But there isn’t. You need to go to separate Google web pages to submit your blog to its indexing service, sign up and get the code for its Google Analytics software. Google's Search Console is another example.
Tools: B+

The biggest advantage to using Blogger is that it is owned by Google. This makes it easy for you to register and install Adsense in your blog, as well as get indexed and appear in Google search results. It also pushes your blog and blogposts closer to the top of Google's search results since Google definitely loves itself! Blogspot blogs get higher search rankings simply because of the connection to Google.
X-Factor: A

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